Sunday, November 8, 2009

conversion?-i don't believe in you.

hell?-i don't believe in you.

what i am left with...universalism?

universalism?-i don't like the idea of you either. i don't really believe in you.

so what? if i don't believe in this whose-in/whose-out game, but don't really believe that everyone is in, what do i believe. what is the meaning of religion...why do i follow christ?


katie said...

hell if i know.

some days, i feel like i've given up completely. other days, i feel i'm going the complete opposite way.

life is an exciting adventure, dear.

Christopher Barker said...

Someone asked me about this the other day, or something sort of related to it.

I said "Most days I believe in God; every day I'm a Christian." I can't really stop following Jesus because I think he's right, and that sticks even when I don't think there's anything waiting after I die.

Sometimes I think God would be perfectly content if the world was at peace and no-one was a believer of any kind.

Jasmine Smith said...

To feel like we belong to something greater then ourselves.