Sunday, August 9, 2009

faith begins where thought stops.

Fear and Trembling-Soren Kierkegaard

i think testing is how god chooses to teach. i do not think that god tested abraham because he didn't know if he would pass or what the consequences would have been. maybe he wanted to do it so abraham would learn what faith meant or the extent of his faith. kierkegaard says that abraham had faith that god would not ask his son to be taken from him but ALSO had faith that god's will would be done through the sacrifice and that god would keep his promise to him even if it meant taking his son.

god temps us with times of meakness and sorrow-with acedia- so that we learn intimacy and joy and happiness. we have faith that god will bring better days. by knowing how it feels to be depressed we are better able to recognize our times of joy.

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